If you would like to cancel your activity, providing we are given 7 days notice, you will be eligible for a full refund.
If we are made aware that you wish to cancel your activity less than 48 hours before your session we will be unable to refund or rebook you.
Cancellations made between 7 days to 48 hours prior to your activity will be entitled to 50% credit.
For groups, we have a different set of terms and conditions which you can find here.
Providing we are given at least 7 days notice before your booking is due to take place, you will be eligible for a full refund.
If we are given less than 7 days notice we can offer you your booking amount as credit to use at a later date. Any credit issued due to COVID-19 cancellations will not have an expiry date and should only be redeemed when safe to do so.
For groups, if member(s) of your group are unable to attend due to COVID-19, only those affected will be eligible for credit and/or a refund.
If PaddleTime have to cancel your session due to COVID-19 e.g. one of our instructors comes down with COVID-19 and is unable to deliver your session, we will issue you a full refund.
If you don’t hear from PaddleTime in the run up to your session, please assume that your session is taking place as planned. We cannot issue refunds, rebookings or credit to those that decide not to take part due to bad weather, when PaddleTime deems conditions safe enough to go ahead.
We always cancel sessions and rebook or refund customers for no charge if we deem weather conditions to be unsafe.